Friday, February 19, 2010

Books are Love

I don't blog much, which I will slowly try & change. But for now, let's do some book/movie rec's.

Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott is a unique, twisted, and dark book. I bet at first you'd think something zombie-esque, but you'd be wrong. This has nothing to do with horror or monsters, well that depends on what you classify as monsters. It's about a girl named Alice, however, that is not her real name. She was kidnapped when she was only 10 by a man named Ray. There's no reason as to way he picked 'Alice', just that she was alone and lost. Ray has a fetish for little girls, but he thinks what he's doing is good for Alice. She, on the other hand, has basically given all hope. She does what he wants, she comforts him when he beats her and it's an all-around tragic story that is not meant for some who cannot handle the bad things in life. The chapters are short, as is the book. Depending on how fast you read, this book could be finished in an hour. The ending was unbelieveable heartbreaking but you can't help but to rejoice. I wouldn't suggest this book to everyone, only those who can handle the darker side of life. Lei, sisterhoodfan, read this book, she did not like it. This book is indeed fucked up, but it's amazing and real. If one were to read this book, they'd be forever touched and more aware of life. But I do rec it to those willing to read; and those mature enough. I wouldn't want someone under the age of 13 reading this. It's too much to take in, but it's worth it in the end run.


The Screwed Up Life of Charlie the Second by Drew Ferguson is a odd little book. It's about Charlie (clearly) and how his life is screwed up. Can't get much more obvious then that ;) Charlie is gay, and he's a geek. He one of those boys that stick out like sore thumb, but not in a good way. He's got his eyes set on the new boy, who also is gay. The main goal of this book is Charlie trying to define who he is in an essay. After getting busted by the cops at a party, his father forces him to write one. (At this point, I'm wishing I re-read it.) Rob, the new boy/soccer star/Charlie's new boyfriend is a fun character. He's used to being gay and being with other boys, therefore he's able to teach Charlie a few things about the naughty things in life. You instantly love Rob because he's down to earth and happens to make Charlie happy. (You'll love Charlie more, just saying.) Rob's mother is sick, and when she dies and Charlie confesses that Rob's father might have killed her on purpose, a shit load of things go down. But, I'm keeping my mouth shut. Charlie's just dealing with life, like we we all are, but from his eyes it's more fun and more real. This book is a Young Adult type, and mostly met for us teens, unless parents like this stuff. I'd say it's worth reading. Waring: Butt sex and blowjobs.

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