Saturday, February 27, 2010

Forecast: Busy with a Chance of Lame

I have a way of putting a lot on my plate, and, well, I've done just that. Let me tell you about how busy I've forced myself to be. At least if you don't count the procrastinating, since I do that a lot.

First off, I'm writing two oneshots for the Jekyll and Cullen contest. My oneshots are usually long, and depending on how motivated and inspired I am, they don't take long to finish. I'm hoping to get my first oneshot done by Monday, and then hopefully jump into my next one.

If I'm not jumping into the next one it's because I'm working on Losing Signal. I actually want to pre-write some chapters for LS, which I will explain in a bit.

I'm also working on a new story. I have the first chapter written and beta'd a gazillion times, but I will not be posting it until I get at least 5 chapters written. So, if I want to post it sooner rather then later I really need to get writing for that.

But, I only have a month to accomplish all this. Why? Well, in April I'm taking on Script Frenzy.

Script Frenzy is a thing that goes along with National Novel Writing Month. I participated in that back in November and had a blast, but mostly because I was doing it with friends. This year it's just me (unless I find someone) and it may be a little more challenging, seeing as how I've never written a script before. I'm excited to be challenging myself and seeing if maybe script writing is for me. But I'm going a month without writing fanfic, therefore I need to have something to update. I'm willing to suffer a month to gain a month of fun.

When I'm not busy with writing, I'm usually beta'ing, tweeting on twitter, chatting on skype, doing stupid things, eating, sleeping, watching a movie or two.

Other writing things that are out there: Coffee Break, Flesh & Blood, and my TT25 prompts.

*sigh* March, please be kind to me.

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