Thursday, December 31, 2009

Pwnage Day <3

If I called and said hello and shared the secrets that I hold, would you run or stay with me tonight? My world holds your weight boy; my world holds your weight. You'll be gone in the morning, so call back today.”
Exorcise Demons; The Forecast

I remember the first time I learned what ‘cannibal’ meant. It was a Friday night and my friend Anna was spending the night. We were about twelve at the time. This was the first time I saw her since I was maybe ten or eleven, seeing as how she lived in Kearns and I lived in North Salt Lake City.

It’s about an hour or two drive. Maybe less. I haven’t been to Kearns in years so I forget. Anyways, so she was over at my house/duplex spending the night. And what’s a sleepover without a scary movie? Our only issue was that we didn’t own any scary movies, okay, maybe a few. But not any good ones. Then my mom was like. I know one!

Of course I thought it looked lame. I was twelve! But my mom told me what was about.
“What’s a canon ball?” I asked. Yes. Like that.
“A cannibal is someone who eats another,” my friend Anna replied.
I was fucked up at that age too so therefore we watched it. I loved it. The newer version is a little bit better but nothing can ever beat a classic right? Right. Plus it’s Wes Craven..hello? God!

But nothing can beat my God.

I kiss his talons! Or whatever those things are.

It’s New Years Eve!! Another year gone, another year comes.
What be my resolutions you ask? Let’s make a list…
1. Do something drastic with my real outside life.
2. Do better in school.
3. Get a bigger vocabulary (for writing reasons)
4. Get a job.
5. Go to a fat camp XD (gotta find one first)

That’s about it. Hmm. There’s probably more somewhere. I should probably shut up now.

I leave you with this. (Go pause the awesome song(s) coming out of the player :D)